
8th ray barsoom
8th ray barsoom

Examples: PM, AEC, EL, TA, MMa, LTF, TLJ, MMM, CM, TI, etc. Burroughs, Edgar Rice The author appears frequently as a character, or as narrator in the prologues and opening chapter of many of his books. He recalls this as he is frustrated over his own submission to the Kalkar rule. (Compare Aldous Huxley’s 1932 novel, Brave New World.) Bunker Hill Ancient American battle in which Julian 8th ancestors fought bravely. Brother Common term used by the Kalkars i.e., Brother Or-tis used in the sense that ‘all men are brothers’ which translates as ‘good citizens and loyal to the Jemadar.’ (probably meant to be satirical of the Russian communist using the word ‘comrade’ before a surname.) Brother Julian Term of address by Commander Or-tis as applied to Julian 9th during the Kalkar occupation of Earth. Borda Volcano on the surface of the moon mentioned by Julian 5th when The Barsoom passes close to the surface named after Jean Charles Borda, French Major-General and astronomer (1704-1747), who contributed to the nomenclature of lunar volcanoes. Blue Room Meeting room aboard the transoceanic liner Harding where ERB meets Julian 3rd. The Red Hawk, Julian 20th, falls in love with her they marry thereby ending the 500 year old family feud. Bethelda Beautiful daughter of the true Or-tis (q.v.). (The Eighth Ray is also mentioned throughout the John Carter books.) Bear Lake Body of water so called by the slaves (q.v.) It is a landmark along the route of the Exodus of the desert clans of the Red Hawk, Julian 20th, in their final attempt to push the Kalkar invaders into the sea. Orthis isolate the Eighth Ray of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter. The knowledge of the ray is freely given to Earth by the Barsoomians which makes interplanetary travel possible. Barsoomian Ray 8th Ray, which supplies buoyancy to aircraft instead of momentum for propulsion. It was sabotaged by Orthis and was forced to land in the moon. It cruised at twelve thousand miles an hour. It was made to carry a crew of five and supplies for fifteen years.

8th ray barsoom

(Mars is also called Barsoom in all eleven John Carter of Mars books.) " Barsoom, The" Rocket ship, created in Part I of The Moon Maid, to attempt to fly to Mars. Barsoom The name of the planet Mars used by it’s inhabitants.

8th ray barsoom

Arctic Ocean An ocean of North America, Asia, and the Arctic Circle where ERB floats marooned on an ice flow before being rescued by Captain Drake at the beginning of The Moon Men.

8th ray barsoom

After 1954 it became "Veteran’s Day") Arctic Northern section of the Earth’s surface above arctic circle to the North Pole where ERB is polar bear hunting at the beginning of The Moon Men. Armistice Day The day of cessation of hostilities (with reference to WWI. Julian 3rd and 5th graduated from there as well as all of the crew members of The Barsoom. Air School Naval training school for pilots. Air Corps Branch of the military that Julian 3rd was a part of during the Great War. Julian 3rd rank at the start of The Moon Maid. Admiral of the Air Military rank of the Air Corps. "adds to the prosperity of the community" Kalkar phase which means ‘what do you do to support the Kalkars?’ The phrase is meaningless because there is no prosperity. ABOVE: Adams' logo for the ECOF 2000 "Moon Maid" gathering in Clarksville, TN. Duane Adams, a resident of Michigan, illustrates his Moon Maid Glossary and Glossary Comments.

8th ray barsoom